Filipe Brandenburger writes:
> I want to contribute to the Perl 6 effort, with ideas
> and mainly with coding in C/C++.

Thanks for your interest.  Here's the current state of play:

Larry is putting together, at Larry speed :-), an idea of what the
language will look like (all preliminaries show that the core Perl
language isn't far removed from what we have now, but that it will be
extensible at the grammatical level.

Meanwhile we're trying to decide what the language API will be.  We've
had mixed success so far, and may be moving towards a system where a
core design team do the work on their list while the rest of us watch
and try to keep up on our own list.

Right now the best thing you can do is join the perl6-internals list
and wait until we're ready to do the design, then follow along and
speak up if anything obviously dumb is attempted. :-)

Once we have a design, we'll be able to work on unit tests and coding,
both of which will be activities that a lot of people can participate


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