I hope Graham is compiling these conventional wisdoms into one source...

I guess the next question for Perl6, is where does conventional wisdom leave
off and rapid ankle biting conformancy and normalization of peoples' code
begin? I.e. where is the carrot and the stick?

Standard api's and naming conventions are nice, I'm sure everyone would
agree. -But the Perl community doesn't appear to be very big on telling
people what they can't do. On the one hand "there is more than one way to do
it..." -But if you don't follow ordained api and naming conventions, you're
on your own? Would Larry even consider ordaining standard api's and naming

Will modules have to be reviewed (and by who) for conformacy with api and
naming conventions for inclusion in the CORE distribution? I believe Graham
recounted something to the effect that it is hard to clean up modules once
they've been accepted. But was that accepted into the CORE distribution or
CPAN? What is to be the process when a non-standard CPAN module becomes
important and popular enough to merit inclusion in the CORE?


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