I stumbled across this issue while descending into a recursive Match structure. Consider the following reentrant subroutine:

sub f($n) {
   for 0..$n -> $i {
       say "$i of 0..$n";
       if ($i == 4) {

The value of the argument, $n, gets overwritten on reentry.

0 of 0..6
1 of 0..6
2 of 0..6
3 of 0..6
4 of 0..6
0 of 0..0
5 of 0..0
6 of 0..0

The last two lines of output should say "0..6" not "0..0".

Am I supposed to making the sub argument lexical?
   sub f(my $n) { ... }
But Rakudo doesn't like that syntax.


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