On Wed, 2009-25-03 at 09:59 -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:36:56AM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
> > Rakudo is a particular implementation of Perl 6 using Parrot.  While
> > it is a separate project from both Perl 6 and Parrot, it is intimately
> > tied to both, and I think its logo should reflect that. I don't see
> > much point in having separate logos for "Rakudo on Parrot" and "Rakudo
> > without Parrot".  I mean, I suppose much of the frontend work could be
> > ported to a different backend, but would that still be considered
> > Rakudo?
> I don't know that I consider Rakudo Perl to be forever tied to Parrot.
> If we come up with other backends, I'd still consider the result
> "Rakudo"; similar to how "Pugs" referred to all of the various backends
> available to it and not just the Haskell backend.

that's very interesting

> So from that perspective, I don't know that the Rakudo logo ought
> to be strongly tied to Parrot, any more than we tie the Parrot logo
> to the various GNU tools used to build it.

still looks like: 6 Rakudo P

will work for the interim as long as Rakudo is separable

> Pm


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