On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:27, Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net> wrote:

> Just an opinion: imho every effort should go towards integrating CPAN
> in any way.
> Perl without CPAN feels like Kung-Fu on stack-heel shoe.
> Maybe any of those META2.0, cpanminus, CPAN::Packager,
> CPAN::Dpendency, MyCPAN::*, POD6 thingies could be assembled into
> something to integrate Perl6 with CPAN?
> And, yes, I consider it valid to have a Perl5 toolchain doing that.

There is a problem with that, and that is that we may want to re-use the
same package names that are already in use on CPAN, in order to avoid evil
Klingon naming contortions (good Klingon naming contortions are of course

I also think that it's important packages are cryptographically signed by
their maintainers.

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