> On Aug 9, 2014, at 5:25 PM, "t...@wakelift.de" <t...@wakelift.de> wrote:
>> On 08/10/2014 12:21 AM, t...@wakelift.de wrote:
>> Something that does surprise me is that your tests seem to imply that :p
>> for subparse doesn't work. I'll look into that, because I believe it
>> ought to be implemented already. Perhaps not properly hooked up, though.
> On #perl6 I got corrected quite quickly: subparse is anchored to the
> start and end of the target string, so :pos doesn't make sense. In this
> case, you want just .parse

I mainly tested subparse() to see if it would find the second FASTA record 
(which works if using :p and not :pos).

Sorry, I should have updated that, but subparse() with :p works fine; the spec 
mentions :pos though (I plan on submitting a pull request on that).

> Another thing is that if lines() does keep all data around, it should be
> considered a bug, as we should be able to infer that we don't keep the
> list itself around and thus won't be able to refer to its previous
> values later on. Thus, we should free the memory for the earlier lines
> in the target string after the loop is done with them.
> I have not yet tested, if this is the case, though.
> Hope that clears up a bit of potential confusion before it can arise
>  - Timo

I can try that out.


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