I found a solution for myself, but I still think this is a problem:

DESTDIR=rakudo-2014-12-1/languages/perl6 ./rakudo-2014-12-1/bin/panda
install YAML


On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 8:20 PM, Gabor Szabo <ga...@szabgab.com> wrote:

> After installing Rakudo star into some other directory using --prefix
> I tried to run panda and got the following error:
> --------
> Found no writable directory into which panda could be installed
>   in sub make-default-ecosystem at
> /home/travis/rakudo-2014-12-1/languages/perl6/lib/Panda/App.pm:18
>   in block <unit> at ./rakudo-2014-12-1/bin/panda:11
> --------
> It worked when I installed Rakudo Star after building it without any
> --prefix.
> Is this an integration bug between panda and Rakudo Star?
> Can I solve this somehow?
> Gabor

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