I have Rakudo Start 2014.12.1 compiled with MoarVM running on OSX
and it seems to be leaking memory, but I need your help in confirming my

I created this script to show it:

use v6;
sub MAIN(Int $count) {
    for 1 .. $count -> $i {
        my $x = 42;

I ran it with 3000000  and checked the memory footprint using the following

after "Start" was printed:

$ ps axuw | grep [p]erl6 | perl -n -E 'say join " ",  (split /\s+/ )[4, 5]'
2561364 99788

after "Stop" was printed:
$ ps axuw | grep [p]erl6 | perl -n -E 'say join " ",  (split /\s+/ )[4, 5]'
2733824 273632

The numbers are VSZ and RSS respectively.

Even in such a simple script it seems that Rakudo is leaking memory.


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