I just re-read your question and saw your emphasis on "non-static" context.
I'm not 100% sure what you are looking for, but take a look at *BUILD:*



On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 2:31 PM, TS xx <maringa...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello fellow perl users,
> I have been trying to understand perl 6 oop implementation, and one thing
> I still can't figure out is how to call super class methods from lower
> classes.
> Let's say we have two classes, Person and Employee, and the method I am
> trying to access is the object constructor:
> class Person {
>         method new ($argument) {
>                 #do some things
>         }
> }
> class Employee is Person {
>         method new () {
>                 #call here Person's method new
>                 #do more things
>         }
> }
> Can I call the Person's constructor (in non static context), pass the
> required parameter and do more things before returning?
> Regards,
> Emiliano

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