That sounds like a great idea.

On 2/7/16, Rob Hoelz <> wrote:
> Hi Perl 6 users!
> I've developed an experimental branch that introduces multi-line input to
> the REPL.  What this means is when you
> enter this:
>     > for ^10 {
> instead of seeing a "Missing block" error, the prompt changes, so you can
> finish the block:
>     > for ^10 {
>     * .say
>     * }
> You can see a gif of this in action here:
> To try the branch, checkout the experiment-multi-line-repl branch, and use
> the corresponding NQP branch:
>     $ git checkout experiment-multi-line-repl
>     $ perl --gen-nqp=experiment-multi-line-repl --gen-moar &&
> make install
> Keep in mind that this branch is very experimental; it fails a few
> spectests, the way it works is a little less-than-awesome,
> and I don't know if it has more subtle bugs that roast or I haven't picked
> up.  If you have time, please test it out and try to
> shake out any bugs.  Feel free to help me fix the few failing roast tests or
> suggest ways I could do multi-line better!  I'll
> be working on it over the next few days; in addition to fixes, I'll try to
> add Linenoise/ReadLine support so that multi-line
> entries are treated as single entries in the command history.
> Thanks!
> -Rob

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