It also seems to me that 'scalar' gives the wrong impression compared to arrays. A scalar in a vector is a component of a vector.

I was thinking of "generic".

Hence "$variable" is a generic variable because it can hold any type of content.

On Friday, June 09, 2017 02:10 PM, Gabor Szabo wrote:
Looking at there are 4
variable types with sigil:  $, @, %, &.
In Perl 5 I used to call them scalar, array, hash, and function
respectively, even if the scalar variable had a reference to an array
in it.

How do you call them in Perl 6?

As I understand @ always holds an array (@.^name is always Array or
some Array[type]). Similarly % always holds a hash and & is always a
function or a method.
So calling them array, hash, and function sounds good.

However I am not sure what to call the variables with a $ sigil?
Should they be called "scalars"? Wouldn't that case confusion as there
is also a container-type called Scalar.

The word "scalar" appears twice in the document describing the
variables: and a total of
135 in the whole doc including the 5to6 documents and the document
describing the Scalar type.
The document describing the Scalar type: the term "$-sigiled variable" is
used which seems to be a bit long for general use.

So I wonder how do *you* call them?


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