Oh right. Thanks. I forgot about them. Maybe
https://docs.perl6.org/routine/run should mention them as well.

In any case a simpler way to capture everything might be useful.


On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Brock Wilcox
<awwa...@thelackthereof.org> wrote:
> How about qx and qxx? I guess those don't separate/capture stderr, and don't
> separate out the params.
> --Brock
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The documentation has a nice example showing how to run an external
>> program and how to get its output or even its standard error.
>> https://docs.perl6.org/type/Proc
>> However it looks a lot more complex than the plain backtick Perl 5 has
>> and more complex than the capture function of Capture::Tiny.
>> IMHO it is way too much code.
>> I wrote a simple function wrapping it:
>> sub capture(*@args) {
>>     my $p = run @args, :out, :err;
>>     my $output = $p.out.slurp: :close;
>>     my $error  = $p.err.slurp: :close;
>>     my $exit   = $p.exitcode;
>>     return {
>>         out  => $output,
>>         err  => $error,
>>         exit => $exit;
>>     };
>> }
>> It can be used as:
>> my $res = capture($*EXECUTABLE, 'bin/create_db.pl6');
>> say $res<out>;
>> or even
>> say capture($*EXECUTABLE, 'bin/create_db.pl6')<out>;
>> I wonder if I have just invented something that already exist in
>> Rakudo or if it is not there, then wouldn't it be a good idea to add
>> such a simple way to run external commands?
>> regards
>>    Gabor
>> ps. Backtick actually expected a single string and not a list of
>> parameters and supporting that mode, even if it is less secure, might
>> be also a good idea.

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