Hi all,

I have been away from Perl for long time, but I have a problem that may be up 
its allay for a return.

I have an export of data, (test dataset 100MB prod will be 3GB to 5GB appox) I 
can export data in
csv, json or xml.  Now the data is log data being exported from splunk. While 
splunk can do some amazing things
I need to pull data from inside events…. I am actually looking for “ldap 
servers” or other types of data points
That while splunk can get me part way there It can really get me all the way. 
And hey it’s a good reason to
Maybe write up some Perl6. As a test… 

While I did try, c# and .net first it complains, that there is whitespace and 
that’s not part of the specs. So, 
I wanted to give perl6 a go, which I been meaning to anyways and this might be 
a good use case for it.

Figured json::tiny might be the way to go,

I really don’t have very much, just the very very beginning:
⇒ Latest perl6, windows 10, and atom editor
use v6;
use strict;
use json::tiny;

say "Running Perl6 script with v6 on";
say "using json::tiny";
say "................................";


my $uri "Z:\\VM_Shared\\exports\\4624\\rt_1504193701_299149.json"
my %res = file.get 

/end code

And json::tiny does not have very much in the way of docs, and most of the 
examples are more targeted
For webapp use cases. I want to chew threw a file and file data and export that 
into a new file which I can then 
Put in excel.

Any insight or direction would be helpful.   


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