On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:01 PM, Marc Chantreux <kha...@phear.org> wrote:

> hello,
> doing maths with my kid, i just translated his spreadsheet with those
> lines of haskell:
>         rebonds height loss = height : rebonds (height - height * loss)
> loss
>         main = print $ takeWhile (> 2) $ rebonds 116 0.6
> then i wanted to make it as short as possible in perl6, i'm almost
> there:
>         (116, * * .6  ... * < 2 ).say
> but the first $_ < 2 remains in the list. the only one alternative i see
> is a gather/take loop but i really expect something shorter from perl6
> :)

  Isn't this what ...^ is for?

    (116, * * .6  ...^ * < 2 ).say;


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