Perl 6 Users,

[[ Bouncing off Re: who own my code? ]]

This is the first of several possible spin-off questions, but here goes…

Perl 6 has its public ecosystem, which will drive growth and adoption.  Then 
there’s the commercial side, which would also drive the language from another 
important angle.  I believe in a balance of public sharing and private 

I am interested in packaging some of my long-term Perl 6 
projects/scripts/apps/frameworks into some kind of relocatable object form 
(binary) that cannot be easily altered or trivially reverse engineered.  Put 
another way, I sometimes would prefer not to sell source code to my customers, 
but rather some form of compiled package that can’t easily be diddled by a 
SysAdmin.  If I create code for a particular commercial domain over years, then 
I want to get compensated for it and not have it be diluted with copy-cats one 
week after I release it.  Certainly some of the generic libraries that I create 
in the future can be modularized for the Perl 6 ecosystem and I’ll push those 
eventually, but the really specialized domain-specific code that fills a 
commercial void & that I will commit years to maintaining, I’d like to offer a 
commercial license, key-protect, sell subscriptions, etc.

Again, I’m very interested in contributing to the ecosystem when possible.  I 
still need to grow past baby/teenager Perl 6, and I’ll get there soon.  But 
after creating something targeted only for customer purchase/subscription, what 
tools are available in the Perl 6 toolbox?  I saw something for the Java 
back-end (to .jar), but not much else.

Is there a Perl 6 roadmap that might mention compiling Perl 6 modules/scripts 
into something atomic, binary, & relocatable?  Or preferably the capability to 
compile only specific Perl 6 modules, requiring an existing Perl 6 on the 
target host?



From: Brandon Allbery []
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2017 16:33
To: vijayvithal jahagirdar <>
Cc: ToddAndMargo <>; perl6-users <>
Subject: Re: who own my code?

This is still best discussed elsewhere... isn't there a stackexchange for this 
kind of stuff?

On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 4:24 PM, vijayvithal jahagirdar 
<<>> wrote:
Now If I implement this for one customer does the code becomes his IP and I 
cannot implement it for another?

Default is owned by who you are working for. If you want something else, you 
can negotiate it; you want to be clear about it, and for something relatively 
low level like this it should not be a problem in practice. That said, the part 
that requires this is also likely the least portable part: unless they're all 
using the same framework, it's the glue to their site framework that is (a) 
more difficult (b) more likely to be different between sites.

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates<>                         <>
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

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