On 07/28/2018 01:37 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Hi All,

How do I get the bash return code ("$?") from
the following?

$ReturnStr = qqx ( curl $TimeOutStr -L $Url -o $FileName ).lines;

Many thanks,


This is what I came up with:

   if $ProgressBar {
      # This need a space ofter the qqx
# $ p6 'my $x="cat /etc/hosts; echo \$\?"; my @y = split "\n", qqx ( $x ); say @y[@y.elems-2];'
      # 0
      # <blank line>

@ReturnAry = split "\n", qqx ( curl $TimeOutStr -L $Url -o $FileName; echo \$\? ); for @ReturnAry[ 0 .. @ReturnAry.elems - 3 ] -> $Line { $ReturnStr += $Line; }
      print "\n";
      $ReturnCode = @ReturnAry[ @ReturnAry.elems - 2 ];

   } else {
( $ReturnStr, $ReturnCode ) = RunNoShell ( "curl $TimeOutStr -L $Url -o $FileName" );
   return ( $ReturnStr, $ReturnCode );

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