Why not use contains though?

perl6 -e 'say "abc".contains("z")'

Use index if the index is important. Use contains if you just want to know
if it's there.

On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 at 10:57 JJ Merelo <jjmer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> perl6 -e 'say "abc".index("z") =:= Nil  ?? "False" !! "True"'
> -e runs the script from the CL
> https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Running-rakudo-from-the-command-line
> "abc" is on front (but it could be in the same way)
> index return Nil if it does not found (more logical than -1)
> https://docs.perl6.org/routine/index; it's a constant, so you have to use
> =:= to check for equality. https://docs.perl6.org/routine/=:=
> ??!! is the ternary operator in Perl 6
> https://docs.perl6.org/language/operators#index-entry-operator_ternary-ternary_operator
> JJ
> PS: ObStackOverflow plug.
Simon Proctor
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