On 2018-10-02 9:57 pm, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Does anyone know of a paper out in web land showing how to do bitwise operations?
Trying to AND 0010 0000 with 0001 0000
$ p6 'my $v = 32 & 16; say $v;'
If you search docs.perl6.org for "bitwise" you will find "+&":


And sure enough, 'say 32 +& 16' will return '0'.

The other bitwise operators work likewise: almost the same as Perl 5, but with a "+" in front (to indicate that they are numeric operators, as opposed to plain "&", "|", etc., which are now junctions... and yes, there is https://docs.perl6.org/type/Junction for those who dare!).


P.S. Actually, the search returns:
...instead of the correct fragment: "#infix_+&"

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