hello Laurent,

> the French Wikipedia page you refer to is not really wrong, but rather
> terribly outdated and, therefore, no longer correct. I have a Wikipedia
> account and can easily fix that page (using, if needed, the updated English
> Wikipedia page on the same subject).

The very first sentence state that rakudo is a compiler which, AFAIR,
never was the case. i really want to double check other assertions of
the article (for example: i don't think rakudo was developped as a part
of the parrot project. instead, rakudo tried to target the parrot vm).

> Translating the whole Perl 6/Raku documentation is a totally different
> game. It's just too big (and it's a moving target), I won't undertake that.

Having the official documentation translated could be a really good
thing for the perl6 adoption in France so i think we have to think about
it at some point. However, you're right when you say it's a moving
target and it will slow down at some point. So maybe it's too early
to start a translation project?


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