I'm wrong then. Nowhere on that reference page does the character
construction "<{...}>" (block wrapped in angle brackets) appear.

Per your reference, "pointy-blocks" seems to refer to an arrow in
conjunction with a block, as mentioned three times on the
'Python-to-Perl6' page:


Nota bene: the opposite character construction (angle brackets wrapped
in a block) DOES appear on your reference page--it's used to create a

sub b { <a b c>.Capture };
put b.perl;
# OUTPUT: «\("a", "b", "c")␤»

HTH, Bill.

PS...While I've been able to find a reference to the code
you showed with two angle brackets (quoting construct):


...I haven't been able to find an explicit doc reference to the
"two-angle-bracket" quoting construct surrounding (among other things)
a block.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 11:41 AM The Sidhekin <sidhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 8:18 PM William Michels <w...@caa.columbia.edu> wrote:
>> PS Eirik, I think people might be referring to <{...}> as "pointy
>> blocks", but I'm really not sure... .
>   I'm pretty sure Perl6 pointy blocks still refer to block constructors with 
> signatures, like: C<< my $add = -> $a, $b = 2 { $a + $b }; >>
>   Oh hey, there's an index for it: 
> https://docs.perl6.org/language/functions#index-entry-pointy_blocks
>   (The indexed docs don't actually define the term though …)
> Eirik

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