On 2019-12-09 02:00, JJ Merelo wrote:
Other than that, it's clear from the context that it returns a Boolean


You are a teacher.  In technical writing, you NEVER leave
anything to "Context", even if it is "intuitively
obvious to the student and left for him to figure out
on his own".

If you meant until the commit gets in place just
go by context, then I apologize for misinterpreting

The commit looks nice.  I would have liked it if they
had used the "the needle and the haystack" instead of
just "needle" (what am I poking?), but I can live
with what they came up with.

multi method contains(Str:D: Cool:D $needle, Cool:D $pos --> Bool:D)

In the above, it is not real obvious to the Riff-Raff
(me), who is not have developer level ledge, that the
"Str:D" in inside the parenthesis, but instead feeding
the method.  You have to get use to the cryptography.

You still need to change the target audience of the docs
from the Developers to the Rakoons.


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