Hi Todd,
I refactored your code a bit to make it a bit more readable IMHO. Thinking
on publish it on modules.raku.org if you are not interested to do so.




use NativeCall;

enum Icons (
        MB_ICONEXCLAMATION   => 0x00000030,
        MB_ICONWARNING       => 0x00000030,
        MB_ICONINFORMATION   => 0x00000040,
        MB_ICONASTERISK      => 0x00000040,
        MB_ICONQUESTION      => 0x00000020,
        MB_ICONSTOP          => 0x00000010,
        MB_ICONERROR         => 0x00000010,
        MB_ICONHAND          => 0x00000010

enum Buttons (
        MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE  => 0x00000002,
        MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE => 0x00000006,
        MB_HELP              => 0x00004000,
        MB_OK                => 0x00000000,
        MB_OKCANCEL          => 0x00000001,
        MB_RETRYCANCEL       => 0x00000005,
        MB_YESNO             => 0x00000004,
        MB_YESNOCANCEL       => 0x00000003

enum MessageBoxReturn (
        DABORT     =>  3,
        IDCANCEL   =>  2,
        IDCONTINUE => 11,
        IDIGNORE   =>  5,
        IDNO       =>  7,
        IDOK       =>  1,
        IDRETRY    =>  4,
        IDTRYAGAIN => 10,
        IDYES      =>  6

constant WCHAR              = uint16;
constant INT                = int32;
constant UINT               = uint32;
constant HANDLE             = Pointer[void];
constant LPWCTSTR           = CArray[WCHAR];

        native('user32') returns INT { * };

sub to-c-str( Str $str ) returns CArray[WCHAR]  {
    my @str := CArray[WCHAR].new;
    for ( $str.comb ).kv -> $i, $char { @str[$i] = $char.ord; }
    @str[ $str.chars ] = 0;

sub MessageBox(Str $title, Str $message, Icons $icon =
Icons::MB_ICONINFORMATION, Buttons $button = Buttons::MB_OK) returns
MessageBoxReturn is export
   my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;
    my Str $OS      = $*KERNEL.name;

    if not $OS eq "win32" { say "Sorry, $SubName only work in Windows.";
    exit; }

    MessageBoxReturn(MessageBoxW( my $handle, to-c-str( $message ),
to-c-str( $title ), $icon +| $button ));

On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 at 13:36, Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 05:41 ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <
> perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I wrote and extensive module for pop up in Windows.
> Todd, you need to publish your module to the Raku module ecosystem. Many
> people, including myself, want to see an easily-installable module with at
> least some basic tests to give strangers confidence that it will not blow
> up. Instructions are in the docs, and there are helper modules to get you
> started.
> I'll send you specific doc references later when I get a chance, but it's
> probably better for you to dig around the doc site a bit more on your own.
> Hint: in the search box, enter 'module'.
> -Tom
>> It does not contain a time out option.  Maybe some day I
>> will work on the timer function.
>> Thank you all for helping me with various parts of this!
>> There are basically two subs to import
>>      WinMsg  and  WinPopUp
>> Here are some one liners to test it with:
>> perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinPopUps :WinPopUp; say WinPopUp( 'Super
>> Duper Title', 'What? You were expecting something witty?',
>> 'Information', 'Ok'  );"
>> perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinPopUps :WinPopUp; say WinPopUp( 'Super
>> Duper Title', 'What? You were expecting something witty?', 'Question',
>> 'YesNoCancel' );
>> perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinPopUps :WinPopUp, :WinMsg; WinMsg( 'Super
>> Duper Title', 'What? You were expecting something witty?' );"
>> Let me know if you find any booboo's.
>> -T
>> <WinPopUps.pm6>
>> # unit module WinPopUps;
>> # WinMsg.pm6
>> #`{
>>        Reference:
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-messagebox
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59105696/how-can-i-create-pop-up-windows-for-perl6-in-windows
>> }
>> use NativeCall;
>> sub WinPopUp( Str $TitleStr,
>>                Str $MessageStr,
>>                Str $Icons where   * ~~ "Exclamation"             |
>>                                        "Warning"                 |
>>                                        "Information"             |
>>                                        "Asterisk"                |
>>                                        "Question"                |
>>                                        "Stop"                    |
>>                                        "Error"                   |
>>                                        "Hand",
>>                Str $Buttons where * ~~ "AbortRetryIgnore"        |
>>                                        "CancelTryAgainContinue"  |
>>                                        "Help"                    |
>>                                        "Ok"                      |
>>                                        "OkCancel"                |
>>                                        "RetryCancel"             |
>>                                        "YesNo"                   |
>>                                        "YesNoCancel" )
>>                is export( :WinPopUp ) {
>> #`{
>>      Pop up a message box to the user.  Windows only.
>>      Return what button was pressed
>>      Note: you are constrainedthe the Icon and Button values shown in
>> the sub declaration.
>>      Test one liners:
>>          perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinPopUps :WinPopUp; say WinPopUp(
>> 'Super Duper Title', 'What? You were expecting something witty?',
>> 'Information', 'Ok'  );"
>>          perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinPopUps :WinPopUp; say WinPopUp(
>> 'Super Duper Title', 'What? You were expecting something witty?',
>> 'Question', 'YesNoCancel' );
>> }
>>     my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;
>>     my Str $OS      = $*KERNEL.name;
>>     if not $OS eq "win32" { say "Sorry, $SubName only work in Windows.";
>> exit; }
>>     my int32 $RtnInt = 0;
>>     my Str   $RtnStr = "";
>>     my int32 $IconInt;
>>     my int32 $ButtonInt;
>>     my int32 $UINT;
>>     # Note: these constants are 32 bit
>>     constant WCHAR              = uint16;
>>     constant INT                = int32;
>>     constant UINT               = uint32;
>>     constant HANDLE             = Pointer[void];
>>     constant LPWCTSTR           = CArray[WCHAR];
>>     constant MB_ICONEXCLAMATION   = 0x00000030;
>>     constant MB_ICONWARNING       = 0x00000030;
>>     constant MB_ICONINFORMATION   = 0x00000040;
>>     constant MB_ICONASTERISK      = 0x00000040;
>>     constant MB_ICONQUESTION      = 0x00000020;
>>     constant MB_ICONSTOP          = 0x00000010;
>>     constant MB_ICONERROR         = 0x00000010;
>>     constant MB_ICONHAND          = 0x00000010;
>>     constant MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE  = 0x00000002;
>>     constant MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE = 0x00000006;
>>     constant MB_HELP              = 0x00004000;
>>     constant MB_OK                = 0x00000000;
>>     constant MB_OKCANCEL          = 0x00000001;
>>     constant MB_RETRYCANCEL       = 0x00000005;
>>     constant MB_YESNO             = 0x00000004;
>>     constant MB_YESNOCANCEL       = 0x00000003;
>>     constant DABORT     =  3;
>>     constant IDCANCEL   =  2;
>>     constant IDCONTINUE = 11;
>>     constant IDIGNORE   =  5;
>>     constant IDNO       =  7;
>>     constant IDOK       =  1;
>>     constant IDRETRY    =  4;
>>     constant IDTRYAGAIN = 10;
>>     constant IDYES      =  6;
>>     # Note: the following two subs have to be embedded
>>     sub MessageBoxW( HANDLE, LPWCTSTR, LPWCTSTR, UINT ) is
>> native('user32') returns INT { * };
>>     sub to-c-str( Str $str ) returns CArray[WCHAR]  {
>>        my @str := CArray[WCHAR].new;
>>        for ( $str.comb ).kv -> $i, $char { @str[$i] = $char.ord; }
>>        @str[ $str.chars ] = 0;
>>        @str;
>>     }
>>     if     $Icons eq "Exclamation"  { $IconInt = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; }
>>     elsif  $Icons eq "Warning"      { $IconInt = MB_ICONWARNING; }
>>     elsif  $Icons eq "Information"  { $IconInt = MB_ICONINFORMATION; }
>>     elsif  $Icons eq "Asterisk"     { $IconInt = MB_ICONASTERISK; }
>>     elsif  $Icons eq "Question"     { $IconInt = MB_ICONQUESTION; }
>>     elsif  $Icons eq "Stop"         { $IconInt = MB_ICONSTOP; }
>>     elsif  $Icons eq "Error"        { $IconInt = MB_ICONERROR; }
>>     elsif  $Icons eq "Hand"         { $IconInt = MB_ICONHAND; }
>>     if     $Buttons eq "AbortRetryIgnore"       { $ButtonInt =
>>     elsif  $Buttons eq "CancelTryAgainContinue" { $ButtonInt =
>>     elsif  $Buttons eq "Help"                   { $ButtonInt = MB_HELP; }
>>     elsif  $Buttons eq "Ok"                     { $ButtonInt = MB_OK; }
>>     elsif  $Buttons eq "OkCancel"               { $ButtonInt =
>>     elsif  $Buttons eq "RetryCancel"            { $ButtonInt =
>>     elsif  $Buttons eq "YesNo"                  { $ButtonInt = MB_YESNO; }
>>     elsif  $Buttons eq "YesNoCancel"            { $ButtonInt =
>>     $UINT = $IconInt +| $ButtonInt;   # Bitwise OR them together
>>     $RtnInt = MessageBoxW( my $handle, to-c-str( $MessageStr ),
>> to-c-str( $TitleStr ), $UINT );
>>     # say $RtnInt;
>>     if     $RtnInt == DABORT      { $RtnStr = "Abort"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDCANCEL    { $RtnStr = "Cancel"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDCONTINUE  { $RtnStr = "Continue"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDIGNORE    { $RtnStr = "Ignore"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDNO        { $RtnStr = "No"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDOK        { $RtnStr = "Ok"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDRETRY     { $RtnStr = "Retry"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDTRYAGAIN  { $RtnStr = "Try Again"; }
>>     elsif  $RtnInt == IDYES       { $RtnStr = "Yes"; }
>>     return $RtnStr;
>> }
>> sub WinMsg( Str $TitleStr, Str $MessageStr ) is export( :WinMsg )  {
>> #`{
>>       Simple "Ok" pop up with no return value
>>       Test one liner:
>>           perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinPopUps :WinPopUp, :WinMsg;
>> WinMsg( 'Super Duper Title', 'What? You were expecting something witty?'
>> );"
>> }
>>     WinPopUp( $TitleStr, $MessageStr, "Information", "Ok" );
>> }
>> </WinpopUps.pm6>

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