Hi Todd,

According to this:
Return code 161 means: ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME.
Changing your code fixed that:
 my Str   $SubKey =
 my       $lpValueName = wstr('EnableLUA');

Then the return code of the RegQueryValueExW is 87. According to the page
above, that means ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
Because of that I looked at the RegQueryValueExW help page you linked and
noticed that it says:


This parameter is reserved and must be *NULL*.

In your code there is a 1 given. Unfortunately, just a 0 does not helped.
Here, I have no idea how a NULL is given.



On Fri, 27 Dec 2019 at 08:22, WFB <wbi...@gmx.at> wrote:

> I would love to look into that, however, my son needs all my free time and
> I do have very little knowledge about NativeCall.
> I hope I will find time in the next days to learn more of this stuff, but
> I will not much help :-(
> On Fri, 27 Dec 2019 at 07:31, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <
> perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:
>> This is how far I have gotten:
>> Note that is I use a "0" in
>> $RtnCode = RegQueryValueExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, $lpValueName, 1,
>> REG_DWORD, $lpData, $lpcbData );
>> The program dies with no return code.
>> -T
>>          K:\Windows\NtUtil>perl6 -I. -e "use WinMount :GetLUA; say
>> GetLUA();"
>>          RegOpenKeyExW
>>          RegOpenKeyExW   RtnCode 161
>>          RegQueryValueExW
>>          1
>>          2
>>          RegQueryValueExW   RtnCode 87
>>          lpData pointer 0
>>          lpcbData data length 0
>>          RegCloseKey
>>          RegCloseKey   RtnCode 6
>>          True
>>          # unit module WinMount;
>>          # WinMount.pm6
>>          #`{
>>             Utilities to mount and dismound drive partitions
>>             Note: LUA must be unset (0x00000000) for mount to function
>> prpoperly
>>             raku -I. -c WinMount.pm6
>>          }
>>          use NativeCall;
>>          use WinPopUps :WinMsg;
>>          # Reference to types and values:
>> http://dsource.org/projects/tango/ticket/820
>>          constant BYTE    := uint8;
>>          constant WCHAR   := uint16;
>>          constant DWORD   := int32;
>>          constant REGSAM  := int32;
>>          constant WCHARS  := CArray[WCHAR];
>>          constant BYTES   := CArray[BYTE];
>>          constant HKEY_CURRENT_USER  = 0x80000001;
>>          constant HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002;
>>          constant KEY_QUERY_VALUE   = 1;
>>          constant ERROR_SUCCESS     = 0; # Yeah, I know. The Win-Api
>> uses 0 for success and other values to indicate errors
>>          constant REG_SZ = 1;
>>          constant KEY_READ      = 0x20019;
>>          constant KEY_SET_VALUE = 0x0002;
>>          constant REG_DWORD     = 0x00000004;
>>          sub to-c-str( Str $str ) returns CArray[WCHAR]  is export(
>> :to-c-str ) {
>>             my @str := CArray[WCHAR].new;
>>             for ( $str.comb ).kv -> $i, $char { @str[$i] = $char.ord; }
>>             @str[ $str.chars ] = 0;
>>             @str;
>>          }
>>          sub wstr( Str $str ) returns WCHARS  is export( :wstr ) {
>>              CArray[WCHAR].new( $str.comb.map: *.ord )
>>          }
>>          sub GetLUA() is export( :GetLUA ) {
>>          #`{
>>          Returns the LUA value in the registry to True (0x00000001) or
>> False (0x00000000)
>> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System]
>>                    "EnableLUA"=dword:00000000
>>              https://docs.perl6.org/language/nativecall
>>          }
>>             my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;
>>             my Str $OS      = $*KERNEL.name;
>>             if not $OS eq "win32" { say "Sorry, $SubName only work in
>> Windows."; exit; }
>>             my Bool  $LUA = True;
>>             my       $RtnCode;
>>             my Str   $SubKey =
>> '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System';
>>             my Str   $Key = $SubKey ~ '\EnableLUA';
>>             my       $lpSubKey    = wstr( $SubKey );
>>             my       $lpValueName = wstr( $Key );
>>             # my $lpSubKey    = CArray[uint8].new($Key.encode.list);
>>             # my $lpValueName = CArray[uint8].new($SubKey.encode.list);
>>             my int32 $Handle;
>>             my int32 $ulOptions = 0;
>>             my int32 $lpData;
>>             my int32 $lpcbData;
>>          #`{
>>              Open the key:
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winreg/nf-winreg-regopenkeyexw
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sysinfo/registry-key-security-and-access-rights
>>              C++
>>              LSTATUS RegOpenKeyExW(
>>                 HKEY    hKey,          # Hive name (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
>>                 LPCWSTR lpSubKey,      # path to the
>> key(/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System/EnableLUA)
>>                 DWORD   ulOptions,     # 0
>>                 REGSAM  samDesired,    # KEY_READ (0x20019),
>> KEY_SET_VALUE (0x0002)
>>                 PHKEY   phkResult      # A pointer to a variable that
>> receives a handle to the opened key
>>              );
>>          }
>>             say "RegOpenKeyExW";
>>             sub RegOpenKeyExW( DWORD, WCHARS, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD is rw)
>> is native("Kernel32.dll") returns DWORD { * };
>>             $RtnCode = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, $lpSubKey,
>> $ulOptions, KEY_READ, $Handle );
>>             say "RegOpenKeyExW   RtnCode $RtnCode\n";
>>          #`{
>>              Read the key:
>>              use RegQueryValueExW if you know key and value name
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winreg/nf-winreg-regqueryvalueexw
>>              C++
>>              LSTATUS RegQueryValueExW(
>>                 HKEY    hKey,          # Hive name (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
>>                 LPCWSTR lpValueName,   # path to the
>> key(\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA)
>>                 LPDWORD lpReserved,    # give it "int32" without the
>> quotes to give it a NULL
>>                 LPDWORD lpType,        # Registry Value Type (REG_DWORD
>> which is 32 bit)
>>                 LPBYTE  lpData,        # Pointer to the return value
>>                 LPDWORD lpcbData       # number of bytes in the return
>> value
>>              );
>>          }
>>             say "RegQueryValueExW";
>>             sub RegQueryValueExW( DWORD, WCHARS, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD is
>> rw, DWORD is rw ) is native("Kernel32.dll") returns DWORD { * };
>>          say "1";
>>             $RtnCode = RegQueryValueExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
>> $lpValueName, 1, REG_DWORD, $lpData, $lpcbData );
>>          say "2";
>>             say "RegQueryValueExW   RtnCode $RtnCode\nlpData pointer
>> $lpData\nlpcbData data length $lpcbData\n";
>>          #`{
>>              Close the key
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winreg/nf-winreg-regclosekey
>>              C++
>>              LSTATUS RegCloseKey(
>>                 HKEY hKey    # handle to the open key to be closed.  See
>> RegOpenKeyExW phkResult
>>              );
>>          }
>>             say "RegCloseKey";
>>             sub RegCloseKey( DWORD ) is native("Kernel32.dll") returns
>> DWORD { * };
>>             $RtnCode = RegCloseKey( $Handle );
>>             say "RegCloseKey   RtnCode $RtnCode\n";
>>             return $LUA;
>>          }

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