On 2019-12-30 00:28, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

In the following C code

DWORD FormatMessageW(
          DWORD   dwFlags,
          LPCVOID lpSource,
          DWORD   dwMessageId,
          DWORD   dwLanguageId,
          LPTSTR  lpBuffer,
          DWORD   nSize,
          va_list *Arguments

What do I tell Native Call the follow are?

Long pointer to a C void.  A C void is similar to our
type Any, in that it can be define later, if at all.
Long is meaningless under 32 and 64 bit OS'es.


Long Pointer to a C string.  Long is meaningless under
32 and 64 bit OS'es.

Note that C string are defined as being terminated by a
NULL -- our chr(0), despite the mistake in the NativeCall

     va_list *Arguments

A list of match up parameter.  Substitute %1 with xyz, etc..
The WinAPI guys told me they virtually never use ti and to
just give it a C NULL

Many thanks,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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