Thanks for all the answers.  This will get me going.
I was unaware of the ' Hash[Int, Str]' type of declarative syntax.
I knew Hash[Str] was a thing but was unaware of the '[Int,Str]' type of

Thanks for the insight!

On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 11:16 AM Elizabeth Mattijsen <> wrote:

>     subset PhoneNumber of Int where *.chars == 9;  # or any other
> constraint
>     constant PhoneBook = Hash[PhoneNumber, Str];   # no need to make a
> class, a type suffices
>     my %pb is PhoneBook = foo => 123456789;
>     dd %pb;  # (my PhoneNumber %{Str} = :foo(123456789))


:(){ :|:& };:

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