On 2020-02-20 05:53, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
However, my question to you is: when would you come across an irrational number in a computer? How would you express it? Suppose I gave you a function  sub irrational( $x ) which returns true for an irrational number. What would you put in for $x? Bear in mind that anything like pi or sqrt(2) is either going to be infinitely long or a rational approximation.

Hi Richard,

The question was meant as trivia.  Raku never ceased
to amaze me in its capabilities, so I though it had
come up with some elegant/impressive way (also
known as Magic Larry Powder) of handling it.
And yes, UInt and Int do fall into that category
with me.

On the practical side, I am an engineer and what
I am interested is the "tolerance" of a number.
For example, 1.0 and 1.000 are not the same
number.  The first one is 1.0 ± 0.05 and the
second one is 1.000 ± 0.0005.  And when
doing math on such numbers, the tolerance
of the result always takes on the worst tolerance
of the numbers being manipulated.

So it is the square root of two taken to
the length of the tolerance of the other

So rational or irrational has no practical
meaning to me.  And why the rounding in Raku
is so adored.

Oh and if I wanted to run the trivia up the flag
pole, I'd remark on the difference between
common rounding and scientific rounding.  Scientific
routing is actually the correct way, as it is
balanced, but few understand what it is so using
common rounding keeps you on their good side.


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