Thank you all for your replies.

I was able to fix it and better understanding grammars :-)

David Santiago

Patrick R. Michaud <> escreveu no dia quinta,
21/05/2020 à(s) 21:05:
> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 08:40:08PM +0000, David Santiago wrote:
> > Can someone explain me why my grammar isn't working? Unfortunately i
> > can't figure it out :-(
> >
> > |  headers
> > |  |  header
> > |  |  * MATCH "Proxy-Connection"
> > |  |  header-value
> > |  |  * MATCH "keep-alive\n"
> > |  |  crlf
> > |  |  * FAIL
> > |  * FAIL
> > * FAIL
> > Nil
> Notice how <header-value> is capturing the newline in "keep-alive\n"?  That 
> means there's not a newline for the <.crlf> subrule that follows, and thus 
> the match fails.
> Try changing "rule header-value" to be a "token" instead.  That will prevent 
> it from consuming any whitespace immediately following the <graph>+ sequence. 
>  When I tried your script with header-value defined as a token, it got a lot 
> farther into the match:
>   $ rakudo test.raku
>   TOP
>   |  request-line
>   |  |  method
>   |  |  * MATCH "CONNECT"
>   |  |  request-uri
>   |  |  * MATCH ""
>   |  |  http-version
>   |  |  * MATCH "HTTP/1.1"
>   |  |  crlf
>   |  |  * MATCH "\n"
>   |  * MATCH "CONNECT HTTP/1.1\n"
>   |  headers
>   |  |  header
>   |  |  * MATCH "Proxy-Connection"
>   |  |  header-value
>   |  |  * MATCH "keep-alive"
>   |  |  crlf
>   |  |  * MATCH "\n"
>   |  * MATCH "Proxy-Connection: keep-alive\n"
>   * MATCH "CONNECT HTTP/1.1\nProxy-Connection: keep-"
>   Nil
> Personally, I would likely define <header-value> to be something more like
>     token header-value { \N+ }
> which gets any sequence of non-newline characters, since some of the headers 
> coming afterwards contain spaces and characters which aren't part of <graph>.
> Pm

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