On Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 11:32:20AM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> Hi All,
> Windows 10 Pro
> raku -v
> This is Rakudo version 2020.05.1 built on MoarVM version
> 2020.05 implementing Raku 6.d.
> I had a weird symptom calling Raku from Cobian Backup.
> A black box popped up, delayed about two seconds,
> then died.  The only writing was the flashing cursor.
> Running the program directly from a shell showed
> that I had a directory in "lib" that did not
> exist on the customer's machine:
> use lib 'K:/NtUtil', 'C:/NtUtil', '.';
> Edited out the missing directory and happy camping returned.

What is the window title of that "black box"? Is it possible that it is
a command prompt that is actually your program, and that it took longer
to run because of something like trying to access a network drive or
something? (note: I have not run Windows in about ten years, I have no
idea how it behaves when you try to access a drive letter that does not
correspond to a currently mapped device or share).

> use lib 'C:/NtUtil', '.';
> I thought for a moment that Raku could not be called
> from Cobian.  Had one of those "ah poop" moments
> -T
> 'K:/NtUtil' is the network drive I program my various
> Windows virtual machines from.   Since the shell I
> use is in that directory, "." will suffice.


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@debian.org p...@storpool.com
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