On 2020-06-08 15:35, Peter Pentchev wrote:
On Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 03:15:36PM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-06-08 15:02, Peter Pentchev wrote:
On Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 02:57:58PM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-06-08 14:54, Peter Pentchev wrote:
On Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 02:48:48PM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-06-08 13:55, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
The opening bracket for class Informing is on (or about) line 10 and the
closing in at about line 630, with a comment 'end of Informing class'


Hi Richard,

Ah Ha!  and 626's bracket is not blue.  Geany
does that some times.

9:      class Informing {
626:    } # end of Informing class

Okay now.  I missed this because of line 8:

8: =comment code for the inform dialog box
9:   class Informing {
           has $!app;
           has Bool $!reinit = True;
           has $!inf-lable;
           has $!box;
           has $!btn-box;
           has $!deleted_supply;
           has $!title;
           has $!position;
           has $!timer-lable;
           has @!buttons;
           has @!entries;
           has %.data = {};
           has $.response;
           has Supply $!sup = self.g-timeout(1000);
           has Tap $!tap;
           has Int $!timer = 10;
           has Bool $!show-countdown = True;
27:     has Str $.text is rw = "Say <span
color=\"green\">something</span><span weight=\"bold\" color=\"red\">
28: <blank line>

Everything from line 8 to line 27 is a "comment".  The
comment does not terminate until the first blank line,
which is 28.

Seems to me the comment rules are being violated here.
The comment does not terminate until the first blank

What am I missing, again.


OK, that is weird. I do not know why your editor is showing you that.
says that the "=comment" line is line 8, then there is a blank line 9,
and then there is a "class Informing {" on line 10.


Poop!!!  (Not my actual word and not an admission that
I cuss.)

Richard has a new one out, so I am going to get the new
one ASAP

Thank you.  I though I was going nuts.

Eh, well...
...says that this blank line has been there for the past four years,
actually longer than both the comment line above it and the current
state of the class line below it :)

Eye balling it shows it clearly there.

I'd start to wonder if it is possible that you deleted that line by
mistake. I *know* I've done that. I know I did it this week, and it's
only Monday :)

Not a chance the third or forth time at it.  It is a
clipboard issue.  The secondary clipboard is a little
weird in Fedora 32.

Hmm, I wonder about the primary clipboard.  No, screwed
up in the primary clipboard too.

Wait. So you're copying and pasting the code?

I'd say do something like "dnf install git" and then

   git clone https://github.com/finanalyst/p6-inform.git

That way you'll get a p6-inform directory that will contain exactly what
Richard uploaded to his GitHub repository.

And if you need to later copy the code to your own file, either use
the "cp" command to start a whole new file, the same as another one in
the beginning, and then edit it to your liking, or use your editor to
copy certain lines to another file.


Hi Peter,

It had better be EXACTLY the same thing as:


I copy and paste because I always forget how to do
Git, especially when I can't find the Git button
on the page.


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