BEGIN trait_mod:<is>(&any, :tighter(&infix:<*>));

comes to mind, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.

> On 22 Jun 2020, at 21:11, Tobias Boege <> wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2020, Joseph Brenner wrote:
>> Patrick R. Michaud <> wrote:
>>> The "any" function is just like any other function taking an arbitrary list
>>> of arguments (including user-defined functions).  As such it parses with
>>> lower precedence than comparison operators -- so "eq" binds more tightly
>>> than "any".
>> Thanks, makes sense.
>>> I'm not exactly sure what sort of warning should go here, or how it'd be
>>> detected.
>> Yes, exactly.  From one point of view it's working as designed-- to me
>> it felt pretty weird, though.
>> Speculating wildly:  could there be a need for a different type of
>> function with different precedence?
> You can achieve this today by redefining &any to be a prefix operator
> and provide it with tight enough precedence. In this example, I pick
> infix multiplication as the argument stopper, which is in particular
> tighter than the relevant eq operator; your mileage may vary:
>  sub old-any (|c) { CORE::{'&any'}.(|c) }
>  multi prefix:<any> (|c) is tighter(&infix:<*>) {
>      old-any |c
>  }
>  say so any <a b c> eq any <c d>;            # True (fixed)
>  say so old-any(<a b c>) eq old-any(<c d>);  # True
>  say so old-any <a b c>  eq old-any <c d>;   # False
> Now I'd be interested to see how someone would turn this into a
> frugal-sub declarator or an `is frugal` trait.
> Regards,
> Tobias
> -- 
> "There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk

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