On 2020-08-30 02:26, JJ Merelo wrote:
Here's the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRPBdn1iRN_sT8BMNMOBhVbEY1u8ngZWVwLyM37sqsa4OLwQ/viewform

It'll take you five minutes, top. Answers will be summarized and carefully considered. Thanks!


Hi JJ,

I missed one when I filled out the list:

8)  The developers seriously need to fix the staging
compile times on par with Perl 5:

$ raku -c --stagestats GetUpdates.pl6
Stage start      :   0.000
Stage parse      :  18.108
Stage syntaxcheck: Syntax OK

Any way you an get it into the fray?

Many thnks,

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