On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 8:27 AM Brian Duggan <bdug...@matatu.org> wrote:
> On Monday, August 31, Bruce Gray wrote:
> > I finally settled on using `try` instead of numeric coercion, because
> > if I am not golfing, I think `try` makes the grep look more like
> > “filter out the non-numbers” instead of “get rid of the zero values”.
> Another option is to use 'val' -- which parses it as a literal --
>   $ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.map: { val($_) ~~ Numeric }' 1 2 3 a 1e10
>    (True True True False True)
> Brian

I just wanted to point out to Radhakrishnan that Raku appears to do a good
job of weeding out erroneous "number-like" input, but using the approach
below Raku (as a feature) will accept "1_000" or "1_000_000" etc. as valid
numeric input:

~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  0 100 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876
~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  0-0 100 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876
~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  0/0 100 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876
~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  10/0 100 200 300 apples
400oranges 2kilos 18.7876
Attempt to divide by zero when coercing Rational to Str
  in block <unit> at -e line 1

~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  5-0 100 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876
~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  100 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876
~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  -100 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876
~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  --100 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876
~$ raku -e 'say @*ARGS.grep(*.Rat).sum;'  1_000 200 300 apples 400oranges
2kilos 18.7876

So, this all brings up the question of @*ARGS safety. Bruce said that the
shell (bash, ksh, whatever) is responsible for feeding arguments to Raku.
Are there any safety-traps lurking with one @*ARGS approach versus another?
I'm sifting through two articles right now, one by brian d foy entitled
"Quoting the Shell" and another by the author of a new shell called "Oil
shell", which (I presume) will be more secure than existing shells:

"Quoting the Shell"

"Why Create a New Unix Shell?"

Also, a little more reference/best-practices here:

"Filenames and Pathnames in Shell: How to do it Correctly"

"Bash Pitfalls"

"Writing Safe Shell Scripts"

"Shell Style Guide"

"Tips on Good Shell Programming Practices"

Best, Bill.

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