On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 6:38 PM Ralph Mellor <ralphdjmel...@gmail.com>

> > Zen slicing as a possible way of 'de-containerizing' :
> > https://docs.raku.org/language/subscripts#index-entry-Zen_slices
> A zen-slice only affects the single reference it's applied to.
> And it is a no op when applied to anything other than a `Scalar`.
> So it'll have no effect when applied directly to an array, list, hash,
> or other non `Scalar`.
> Perhaps you're thinking "decontainerizing" does something other
> than what it does? It's really a very simple operation. An analogy
> is having a bunch of folk, some of whom always go by their legal
> name, but others who sometimes go by their nickname. And let's
> say there's an operation called "use legal name". When applied
> to a nickname it yields the corresponding legal name. But when
> applied to a legal name it just yields that name, i.e. it's a no op.
> That's all that decont does, except the analog to a nickname is
> a `Scalar`, and the analog to a legal name is anything else.
> > Even if the ",=" postfix operator were to gain this ability on non-hash
> > objects, then hash-objects would be special-cased in **not** requiring
> > a Zen-sliced decontainerized object on the LHS, so people would have
> > to consider that outcome.
> I think the focus on `,=`.is really unfortunate, because the real issue is
> just about what `=` does with a non-`Scalar` on its LHS and a list of
> values on its RHS. It's really got nothing whatsoever to do with `,`.
> It just depends on the type of non-`Scalar` on the LHS of `=`.
> Look what happens without not a comma in sight:
> my %hash = do for ^1 { %hash }
> say %hash; # {}
> If it's a hash,, the only sensible thing to do with a list of values that
> may
> each be a pair, or a list of pairs, or an array of pairs, or a hash of
> pairs,
> is to flatten and concatenate all the individual pairs into the hash.
> my @array = do for ^1 { @array }
> say @array; # (\Array_73652568 = [Array_73652568])
> But if it's an array, the sensible thing to do is to *not* flatten by
> default.

This topic was a subject of discussion during our (SF_Perl) Raku Meetup
Group today. We reviewed the three URL references below. One member of our
Meetup went throught the 2017 Advent Calendar reference extensively
(hopefully we'll see a post on that). Afterwards, I played a bit with
indexing constructs. Posting these for posterity's sake:


user@mbook:~$ raku
Welcome to 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐨™ v2020.10.
Implementing the 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮™ programming language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2020.10.

You may want to `zef install Readline` or `zef install Linenoise` or use
rlwrap for a line editor

To exit type 'exit' or '^D'
> my %hash = do for ^1 { %hash }
> my %hash2 = do for ^1 { %hash2<> }
> my %hash3 = do for ^1 { %hash3<*> }
Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected:
Only saw 1 element
  in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1

> my @array = do for ^1 { @array }
(\Array_140587615723064 = [Array_140587615723064])
> my @array2 = do for ^1 { @array2[] }
(\Array_140587615723904 = [Array_140587615723904])
> my @array3 = do for ^1 { @array3[*] }

Best Regards, Bill.

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