..^ is an operator. You can't put spaces in the middle of an operator.

On Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 22:13, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <
perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:

> >> On Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 18:59, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
> >> <perl6-users@perl.org <mailto:perl6-users@perl.org>> wrote:
> >>
> >>      >>     ^ note: ^3 means the integer "just before" 3  (zero is
> >>     presume to be the
> >>      >>     start point)
> >>      >>
> >>      >>                3^ means the integer "just after" 3  (an ending
> >>     point is
> >>      >>     required)
> >>      >>
> >>      >>
> >>
> >>     On 12/31/20 10:15 PM, Kevin Pye wrote:
> >>      > No, it does not. Go back and read what Brad wrote; he was quite
> >>     explicit.
> >>      >
> >>      > Nothing about the range 0 ..^ 3 (for which "^3" is just a
> short-cut)
> >>      > says anything about integers. It is the range of numbers (real
> >>     numbers
> >>      > if you like) ranging from 0 to 3, but excluding 3. In standard
> >>      > mathematical notation that would be "[0,3)". If you iterate over
> the
> >>      > range then you start with the beginning of the range and keep
> >>     adding one
> >>      > until you reach the end (in this case ignoring the final value if
> >>     it is
> >>      > equal to the end-point).
> >>      >
> >>      > If the range were 0.5 .. 3 then the iterated values would be 0.5,
> >>     1.5
> >>      > and 2.5.
> >>
> >>
> >>     Hi Kevin,
> >>
> >>     My notes were for "for" loops.
> >>
> >>          > for ^2 {print "$_\n";}
> >>          0
> >>          1
> >>
> >>
> >>     I am not able to reproduce your comments:
> >>
> >>          > for ^2.1..2.5 {print "$_\n";}
> >>          Range objects are not valid endpoints for Ranges
> >>            in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> >>
> >>          > for ^2.1 .. 2.5 {print "$_\n";}
> >>          Range objects are not valid endpoints for Ranges
> >>            in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> >>
> >>     Would you mind throwing me an REPL example?
> >>
> >>     Many thanks,
> >>     -T
> On 1/1/21 12:39 AM, Kevin Pye wrote:
> >   We have established that ^2.1 is a range, meaning all the real numbers
> > from 0 to 2.1, not including the 2.1.
> >
> > What do you expect ^2.1 .. 2.5 to mean, That's a range (the "..") from
> > "^2.1", another range to the number 2.5. You can't have a range starting
> > with a range, A range is between two numbers. Hence the error message is
> > quite correct.
> >
> > There are four infix operators which create ranges: "..", "^..", "..^"
> > and "^..^"
> > and the prefix operator "^:"; you're trying to mix two of them.
> >
> > All of those take numbers as their arguments, not ranges.
> >
> > Try something like
> >
> > .say for 2.1 .. 2.5
> >
> > You can try
> > .say for 2.1 ^.. 2.5
>  > .say for 2.1 .. 2.5
> 2.1
>  > .say for 2.1 .. ^2.5
> Range objects are not valid endpoints for Ranges
>    in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> > and then explain the output.
> Hi Kevin,
> I am trying to get it to work in a "for" loop.
> I am doing something wrong.
> Would you mind sending me the proper syntax
> for this from REPL?
> -T

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