On 2021-01-19 2:18 p.m., Brian Duggan wrote:
Hi Folks,

I ran into this situation today, which seems counterintuitive:

  my @one = 1,2,3;
  my @two = 4,5,6;
  my @both = @one,@two;
  my @first = @both[0];
  say @one.raku;
  say @first.raku;


        [1, 2, 3]
        [[1, 2, 3],]

I was expecting @first and @one to be the same.
I discovered that I could instead write either of these --

   my (@first) = @both[0];
   my @first := @both[0];

or I could change the @both assignment to be

        my @both := @one, @two;

..but I wonder if there's an idiomatic approach -- or
way of thinking about this -- that makes this flow more


Arrays always containerize their values with Scalar ("itemize"). This means that when they contain arrays as values, each array will get treated like a singular value that happens to be an Array instead of an array of values like they normally would elsewhere.

Lists keep their values' containers as-is. These are what the , operator returns by default, so one way to leverage containers here is to bind to @both like you already discovered:

my @both := @one, @two;

Another is to type @both as a List and assign:

my @both is List = @one, @two;

But List lacks some of the luxuries Array provides over it, such as mutability and typed values. What I'd do here is decontainerize @both[0] with the <> postfix operator so @both's Array typing can be kept:

my @first = @both[0]<>;

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