I'm getting this on Rakudo blead.

$ raku -v
Welcome to Rakudo(tm) v2020.12-129-g291cc5f39.
Implementing the Raku(tm) programming language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2020.12-100-gc93531608.
$ raku -e'my $s = set 2, 4, 6; say $s.^methods>>.name.sort;'
DELETE-KEY EXISTS-KEY Hash Int Map Mix MixHash Mixy Num Numeric Real STORE
Set SetHash Setty Str WHICH antipairs default elems fmt gist grab grabpairs
hash item iterator keyof keys kv list maxpairs minpairs new new-from-pairs
of pairs pick pickpairs raku roll total values)

Which does seem to include associative methods
- David

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 8:25 AM Joseph Brenner <doom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Set objects have Associative methods:
>   my $s = set 2, 4, 6;
>   say $s.keys;   # (4 2 6)
> But I don't see them in the list from .^methods:
>   say $s.^methods;
>   # (menu default pick minpairs Setty grabpairs SET-SELF raku
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Real Baggy iterator keyof Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Mixy of grab
> Method+{is-nodal}.new ACCEPTS new elems Method+{is-nodal}.new Str
> Method+{is-nodal}.new WHICH Bool RAW-HASH fmt new-from-pairs Numeric
> total maxpairs Method+{is-nodal}.new Capture Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Int gist
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new Num Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new
> Method+{is-nodal}.new roll pickpairs STORE BUILDALL)
>   say so $s.^methods.gist.grep(/<<keys>>/);     # False
> I'm using the latest rakudo star release: v2020.10.
> Has this been fixed in later versions of Raku?

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