> On Jul 15, 2021, at 11:02 PM, William Michels via perl6-users 
> <perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:

(and I re-ordered):

> Any help appreciated,
> Thanks, Bill.
> REFERENCE:  https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/166675/227738

> I'm trying to put an answer together for SO, and I keep running into the same 
> difficulty. Given a CSV file,

Note: input is a log file, not in CSV format.

> how can one produce an XML file with latitude and longitude values properly 
> quoted? Every time I get proper quoting, "lat" and "lon" are scrambled (i.e. 
> sometimes "lat" first, sometimes "lat" second). 
> using the "make-xml()" function from the XML module, I end up scrambling 
> "lat/lon”:

You are using the correct XML module, and you are using it correctly.

Similar to a Raku hash, the attributes in an XML start-tag are *unordered*.
While the inconsistant ordering may be displeasing to our human eyes, any 
program reading XML should treat your current output identically to your 
desired output.

In Raku-speak, these two hashes have the same contents:
    my %wpt1 = lat => 'A', lon => 'z';
    my %wpt2 = lon => 'z', lat => 'A’;

Designers of XML libraries are reluctant to add the ability to force an 
ordering; it would lead to XML-reading programs making improper assumptions.
Like many major XML libraries in other languages, I see no such ability in the 
Raku XML module.
                Note that the order of attribute specifications
                in a start-tag or empty-element tag is not significant.

> Conversely, if I manage to restrict "lat/lon" to the correct order, I lose 
> the equals sign and proper (value) quotation.

Unless you just hardcode a template and insert the lat/lon/datetime values 
(never a good idea), you will have to live with the varying order.
I will point out that the XML library also does not output the multi-line 
indentation that the OP shows; it is irrelevant in XML.

> $ raku -MXML -e 'my @xml = do for lines() {make-xml("wpt", 
> :lat(.words[5].subst(";")), :lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2]))}; .put 
> for @xml;’  lat_lon.txt

Minor critiques:
That use of `@array = do for lines() {…}` is more commonly written as `@array = 
lines().map: {…}`
        raku -MXML -e 'my @xml = lines().map: {make-xml("wpt", 
:lat(.words[5].subst(";")), :lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2]))}; .put for 
@xml;'  lat_lon.txt

Nothing is gained by creating an array, just to print each line of the array, 
so your can just `put` each time you construct an XML line.
        raku -MXML -e 'for lines() { put make-xml("wpt", 
:lat(.words[5].subst(";")), :lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2])) }'  

When all the output is per-line based on the input, the `-p` or `-n` flag 
removes the need for `for lines`.
        raku -MXML -ne 'put make-xml("wpt", :lat(.words[5].subst(";")), 
:lon(.words[8]), \("time",.words[0..2]))'  lat_lon.txt

> So far, I can correctly swap the date/time to the end:
> $ raku -MXML -e 'my @reordered = do for lines() 
> {(.words[3..*],.words[0..2])}; .put for @reordered;’  lat_lon.txt

I am sure that `-MXML` is leftover from other experiments.
Removing `@reordered` and switching to `-n` like my critiques above, this 
        raku -ne 'put (.words[3..*],.words[0..2]);' lat_lon.txt
To “wow” the SO crowd, you might note that @array[N..*],@array[0..N-1] has a 
shortcut in Raku (.rotate), making this the tightest of all the solutions I see 
so far:
        raku -ne 'put .words.rotate(3);'  lat_lon.txt

Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

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