In this code I'm using multi-dispatch with a subset type that
makes string values special: "wuhn", "tew" and "thuree".

    use Test;

    multi sub whats_my_type (Str $item) {
        return "This is a Str: $item";

    subset GoofyNum of Str where { $_ eq any( 'wuhn', 'tew', 'thuree' ) };
    multi sub whats_my_type (GoofyNum $item) {
        return "This is a GoofyNum string: $item";

        my ($ret, $arg);
        $ret =  whats_my_type('two');
        like $ret, /<< Str >>/, "quoted string argument of 'two' is Str";

        $ret = whats_my_type('tew');
        like $ret,  /<< GoofyNum >>/, "quoted string argument of
'wuhn' is 'goofy'";

        $arg = "one";
        $ret = whats_my_type( $arg );
        like $ret, /<< Str >>/, "string in var argument of '$arg' is Str";

        $arg = "whun";
        $ret = whats_my_type( $arg );
        like $ret, /<< GoofyNum >>/, "string in var argument of 'wuhn'
is 'goofy'";

I would think all four of these tests should pass, instead I see
the last one failing: for some reason there's a difference in the
case of a simple quoted string, and a string inside a variable.

Any comments?

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