Auth is for more than just the author. It is for author, authority, and
authentication. CPAN can't authenticate github or fez modules, and vice
versa. There is a reason the field is only the first four letters.

That they are seen as different modules is an intended feature, not a bug.

I would like to know how you would want the system to handle a module from
me. cpan:BGILLS github:b2gills and I intend to get b2gills on fez as well.
(CPAN doesn't allow numbers, otherwise I would have it there to.)

What if someone else took a user name on github that matched one on CPAN or

On Mon, May 2, 2022, 3:23 PM Marcel Timmerman <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering about the 'auth' specification in the meta file or on the
> class/module/package. I was used to specify it as 'github:MARTIMM' because
> I store the stuff on GitHub for all the goodies it offers. Now I see that
> fez wants to start with 'fez:' and when I look at the site for a
> module of mine I see a remark *'*The uploading author of cpan:MARTIMM
> does not match the META author of github:MARTIMM.' because I upload it to
> CPAN nowadays and have never specified somewhere that the auth has become
> 'cpan:MARTIMM'.
> I feel that this is not useful (even correct) to pin someone to use an
> auth specification with a defined prefix for some ecosystem one is using.
> So changing to another ecosystem forces that person to change the auth
> everywhere in its code and meta files to get rid of any errors or warnings.
> Besides that, the change of the author on the same code poses the question
> later on, if that code is forked and changed by someone else or that it is
> still the same developer working on it?
> Regards,
> Marcel

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