> On Aug 27, 2022, at 10:56 AM, Marc Chantreux <m...@unistra.fr> wrote:


> but I think it is possible to move the cursor backward in the comb regex.


I do *not* think you can ("move the cursor backward in the comb regex"); See 
https://docs.raku.org/routine/comb :
        ... "returns a Seq of non-overlapping matches" ...
The "non-overlapping" nature is the problem.
(Please let me know if this turns out to be incorrect!) 

In foresight, Raku has added an optional `:exhaustive` flag to regex matching, 
and that will do what you want.
This Raku code:

        my %digraphs = slurp.lc.match(:exhaustive, /(<[a..z]> ** 2)/)ยป.Str.Bag; 
        .say for %digraphs.sort({ -.value, ~.key });

, produces output identical to this Perl code:

    perl -lnE '
        END { say "$_ => $digraph{$_}" for
            sort { $digraph{$b} <=> $digraph{$a} || $a cmp $b }
            keys %digraph
        $_=lc; while (/([a-z]{2})/g) {++$digraph{$1}; --pos; }
    ' Camelia.svg

, when run against a downloaded copy of our mascot:

Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

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