On 9/1/22 00:45, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
Work with Raku rather than expect it to be the same as Perl.

Oh I intent too!   I program in Top Down.  Perl 5's
subroutines are a nightmare.  I ADORE Perl 6's subroutines.

By saying above / below, this indicates a linear view of code at the same time.

Please elucidate!

    Can you show me an example of FIRST and LAST

    There are some in the documentation


    syntax FIRST

    Documentation for syntax FIRST assembled from
    the following types:  language documentation Phasers

    From Phasers
    (Phasers) Phasers FIRST FIRST

    Runs at loop initialization, before c<ENTER>.

Which brings me back to my on going criticism of
the documentation.  It is a "refresher" for those
that already know what they are doing and do not
need it.

Can you point me to a good beginner's reference?

Treat the regexes as data for a program. Compile the program once. Run the regexes as often as you need.

Please elucidate.  That could save me boat loads
of time.

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