Most of Richard's parting suggestions I understand & agree with, but not
this: " why are you using '&&' and not 'and' "

My habit (from Perl 5 days) is to use && || for expressions, and reserve
"and" "or" for "do this if assignment/function call without parens
succeeds/fails" – is there a refinement on that distinction in Raku which I
should pay attention to?


On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 5:40 AM Richard Hainsworth <>

> I tried this and it worked without any problem.
> Here's the whole program:
> use v6.d;say @*ARGS.raku;if @*ARGS.elems > 0  &&  "@*ARGS[0]".lc eq "debug"  {
>     say 'got'}
> and at the terminal:
> $ raku todd-test.raku debug --debug=50
> ["debug", "--debug=50"]
> got
> why are you quoting ARGS? The .lc coerces to string anyway.
> why are you using && and not 'and'
> why are you not using a sub MAIN with an optional --debug
> eg. sub MAIN( @args, Bool :$debug=False) {
> #stuff
> if $debug { ... }
> On 30/06/2023 06:06, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> if @*ARGS.elems > 0  &&  "@*ARGS[0]".lc eq "debug"  {...}

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