On 1/20/24 01:42, William Michels via perl6-users wrote:

On Jan 19, 2024, at 23:49, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:

Hi All,

Can I do a run on line with a regex like I
just did with sed?

$ zbarimg Screenshot.png | sed -e 's/.*?secret=//' -e 's/&.*//'

Usually I just do two lines in Raku.

Many thanks,

Hi Todd,

Not that I am aware. The naive way is just to pipe them:

~$ echo 'roses are red' | raku -pe 's/roses/lilacs/' | raku -pe 's/red/blue/'
lilacs are blue

The Raku way would be combining those two statements into one Raku call:

~$ echo 'roses are red' | raku -pe 's/roses/lilacs/; s/red/blue/'
lilacs are blue

I like this one! It is easy to figure out at a glance.

#OR ("big-S" notation below)

~$ echo 'roses are red' | raku -ne 'S/roses/lilacs/ andthen S/red/blue/.put'
lilacs are blue

The `andthen` call reloads the `$_` topic variable. For more examples, see:

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65066358/concatenating-s-in-raku <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65066358/concatenating-s-in-raku>

HTH, Bill

It does.  Thank you!

Raku's regex's spoil me.  sed has to be
the editor from ...

Then again, I still use vi at times.

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