Hi Craig/Dima

When using P::G::Gnuplot, I am getting an error with the size parameter.
Unfortunately the demo.pl in your source does not use this feature and I
am not sure if my gnuplot is the problem. I am using 4.4. I am also
using the latest P::G::Gnuplot from CPAN.

The gnuplot ends up seeing "set size 1 0.7" instead of "set size 1,
0.7". I have a fix by setting size => ["1, 0.7"] which is a string but
that is a hack. the "set origin" call seems to work fine and I couldn't
figure out by looking at the source why the "set size" was not working
right. I tried using the string "ratio" because it seemed like that was
another option but that failed to work as well.

The code that I would like to use is below.

my $w = gpwin('x11');
$w->multiplot(title => 'A multiplot');
                size => [1, 0.7],   #### ["1, 0.7"] works
                origin => [0, 0.3],
             {with => 'financebars'},
            sequence(100), # time - x-axis
            sequence(100)  * 1.001,  # open
            sequence(100) * 1.0015,  # high
            sequence(100) * 1.0005,  # low
            sequence(100) * 1.00125  #close
                size => [1, 0.3], ####["1, 0.3"] works
                origin => [0, 0],
             {with => 'impulses'},
            sequence(100) * 1.01 # volume in 100000 units


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