Hi I am doing SVD in sparse matrix How can I optimize the code for better performance
Dims [5000,5000] ------------------------------------------ # For Sparse Input my $mat_pdl = new PDL::Sparse($total_col,$total_rows); $mat_pdl->set(a,b => value); $mat_pdl->bake; $mat_pdl->normalize; return $mat_pdl->as_pdl; #For SVD my $bigpdl = $mat->pdl->as_pdl; my ($n,$m) = $bigpdl->dims; my $d = $m; $d = $n if($n < $m); my ($ut,$s,$vt) = svdlas2ad($bigpdl,$d); # Calculating Truncated SVD transpose($ut); $s = stretcher($s); // Suppose I have 100 singular values and I want to retain top k_values => 75% Energy Say The total energy is (12.4)2 + (9.5)2 +(1.3)2 = 245.70, while the retained energy is (12.4)2 + (9.5)2 = 244.01. Thus, we have retained over 99% of the energy with $k_values = 1; for(my $i=$k_values+1; $i<$s->getdim(1); $i++){ set $s,$i,$i,0 ; } my $new_matrix = $transpose($ut) x $s x $vt; ----------------------------------------- For Maximum Elements & Too Long to PRINT $PDL::BIGPDL=1 ; my $max_elem = 1000000000000000000000 sub PDL::Core::string { my ( $self, $format ) = @_; if ( $PDL::_STRINGIZING ) { return "ALREADY_STRINGIZING_NO_LOOPS"; } local $PDL::_STRINGIZING = 1; my $ndims = $self->getndims; if ( $self->nelem > $max_elem ) { return "TOO LONG TO PRINT"; } if ( $ndims == 0 ) { if ( $self->badflag() and $self->isbad() ) { => return "BAD"; } else { my @x = $self->at(); return ( $format ? sprintf( $format, $x[ 0 ] ) : "$x[0]" ); } } return "Null" if $self->isnull; return "Empty" if $self->isempty; # Empty piddle local $PDL::Core::sep = $PDL::use_commas ? "," : " "; local $PDL::Core::sep2 = $PDL::use_commas ? "," : ""; if ( $ndims == 1 ) { return PDL::Core::str1D( $self, $format ); } else { return PDL::Core::strND( $self, $format, 0 ); } }
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