I need to be able to match a vector inside a PDL, and can't find a way to do 
it.  The existence of qsortvec and uniqvec  functions implies that such a 
comparison function exists (since you'd need to do that to sort) but the 
documentation doesn't give any info on it.  More specifically, if I have an nxm 
PDL $P, containing vectors of length n in the first dimension, and an nx1 PDL 
representing a test vector, $test, I want to be able to get the indices along 
the 2nd dimension where the vector in the PDL matches the test one.

I would expect that such a function, which I'll provisionally name findveci, 
would operate as
                $findresult = $P->findveci($test)
Where $findresult would be a 1-dimensional PDL giving the set of indices along 
the second dimension of $P that match the vector $test.

I should note that a similar purpose would be served by a function uniqveci 
(which, although an obvious extension of the set that are available, also seems 
not to exist), since you could combine that with qsortvec to do what I'm 
talking about.  At present, I've resorted to pulling the vectors into perl 
lists and doing the matching there.  But that's far slower, and it seems wrong 
to have to do it that way.

Any suggestions?
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