This message is written by Bambang Pramana at Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Please do not reply on my address


Dear Fellow Pan Participant,

  My name is Bambang Pramana and I live in Indonesia.  I have a grave concern to
share with you which I feel is of planetary importance and is a real crisis.

  As  you  may  know  from the news, for several weeks Indonesia has been in the
throes of very bloody civil strife between Muslims and Christians.

  In  the  city  of Ambon alone, it is reported that more than a thousand people
have  been  killed,  18  Mosques  and 18 Churches burned down and more than 3500
houses  and  1000  shops  destroyed. The whole island, with a population of only
400,000,  is  a  mosaic  of  roughly  40% Muslim and 60% Christian, and they are
savagely destroying one another.

  I  am  sending  this  Alert  and  making this appeal because I think the great
suffering  and  anguish  in  Ambon  represents  only the tip of the iceberg of a
social  epidemic  on  our  planet.   We  have  also seen it in Northern Ireland,
Bosnia,  the  Mideast,  Rawanda, India, Somalia, the Philippines, and many other
places  where  religious  and ethnic violence has ripped deep into the fabric of
society and the lives of common folks.

  We  know  that  these  conflicts often have deep historical roots that involve
ethnic,  financial  and  political  issues,  and  yet  there  is also the deeply
disturbing  element  of  religion  as  a  point of conflict - people killing one
another savagely in the name of God!

  As a spiritual people from many different religious backgrounds I believe that
we,  as  Light  Workers  from around the world have a special responsibility and
opportunity  to  bring  healing to this ongoing crisis in our collective life as
planetary citizens.

  For this reason I am sending out this appeal to you to join us, your Family of
Light in Southeast Asia, in praying or meditating for the healing of all hatred,
anger  and violence between the people of Ambon, Indonesia - and by extension to
all  places  on  the  planet  suffering  from  ethnic  and  religious strife and

  March 18th - the new moon - is the Hindu-Balinese New Year (Saka year 1921) in
Indonesia  called  "Nyepi"  -  a  day  of  silence.   In  Bali, where the Hindus
predominate,  everyone  stays home on Nyepi. There is no working, no cooking, no
fire,  no  light.   It  is  a  day  for fasting and meditation and releasing all
negativity.   The  two  weeks  from the new moon until the full moon (coinciding
with  Passover / Good Friday) is a cleansing period; from physical (cleaning the
garden, home, etc.), emotional, mental to spiritual cleansing.

  April  4th, the first Sunday after the full moon on April 2nd is Easter, which
symbolizes  the  triumph  of light against darkness. And the two weeks from full
moon  until  the  next  new  moon is a period for anchoring and establishing all
positive  energy  which  culminates  on  April  17th,  the Muslim New Year (1420

  We  are  appealing  to our family of light throughout the world to join us for
the  month  from the new moon in March (17th) until the new moon in April (16th)
in  building  an  energetic  "bridge  of  light"  which can carry us out of this
planetary  nightmare  of ethnic and religious violence and hatred and into a new
world   of   understanding,   acceptance,   tolerance,  planetary  and  galactic
citizenship and the celebration of our diversity.

  We  appeal  to  you  to  take  a few minutes each day, at your convenience, to
visualize  all  people  of  goodwill in the world working together to build this
bridge of light out of the darkness of the past and into a radiant future.

  On  the final day, April 16th, we call upon all people to take thirty minutes;
from 14:30 to 15:00 GMT (9:30 to 10:00 am New York time) in prayer or meditation
to visualize a column of white light beaming down into Ambon, Eastern Indonesia,
filling  the  city  and  its  inhabitants  with peace, dissolving all hatred and
anger,  bringing people back to their senses and replacing all of the negativity
with compassion and understanding.

  Once  we  have  visualized  the  restoration of Ambon to sanity, let us see it
beaming  in to neutralize and heal all of the other places on the planet wracked
with ethnic and religious violence; restoring peace, justice and compassion.

  As  you  share  this with your own network and others begin to participate, it
will  gain  momentum  over  the course of the month from new moon to new moon so
that  by  the time that we do our synchronized meditation on April 16th, we will
have a very powerful collective energy built to release into the world at Ambon.

  At our website( , you can see a map
showing  the  geographic  location  of  Ambon and get more information about the

We  would  also  like to keep a register of those networks participating. If you
will be asking your network to participate, we would really appreciate it if you
would  let  us know.  Just e-mail me with your name, geographic location and the
number in your network who you are inviting to participate.

  On behalf of those of us holding the light in Indonesia I want to thank you in
advance for your help.

in Light & Love
Bambang Pramana

IN-Light [Indonesian Network of Lightworkers]
In-Light web-site:

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