January 4, 1999

For more information contact:
Sidney Jones (New York)   +1 212 216 1228   +1 718 788-2899
Human Right Watch

In the aftermath of civilian deaths during military operations in
Aceh on Sunday, Human Rights Watch today urged all parties involved in
the conflict there to respect basic principles of humanitarian law
banning torture and extrajudicial executions. The operations followed
a December 29 attack on a public bus carrying soldiers, in which a mob
dragged eighteen soldiers off and killed seven of them.
Human Rights Watch appealed to the Indonesian government not to
turn the troubled region back into a special zone for
counterinsurgency operations and urged it to put together a concrete
plan for addressing past human rights violations in Aceh.  The New
York-based organization also urged Jakarta-based embassies to
coordinate among themselves and immediately send a joint diplomatic
team to Aceh to meet with as broad a range of individuals and
organizations as possible, including nongovernmental organizations,
academics and students, influential community leaders, and religious
leaders as well as officials at the district, subdistrict and village
levels. The visit could be an important means of exploring possible
solutions to an escalating crisis.
Human Rights Watch's appeal came after a series of violent
incidents in East and North Aceh in recent weeks that the army has
blamed on the guerrilla organization called Aceh Merdeka (the Free
Aceh Movement).
They have accused one man in particular, Ahmad Kandang, of being the
mastermind. Kandang was deported from Malaysia last year and has been
active in organizing pro-independence activities ever since. The local
press has reported widespread belief among the Acehnese more generally
that some of the incidents have been provoked by elements within the
military itself in the interests of maintaining a large troop presence
in Aceh, an accusation the army vigorously denies.
But an important factor in the violence is the resentment now
boiling over in Aceh at the Habibie government's failure to take
concrete steps toward investigating and prosecuting those responsible
for massive and systematic human rights abuses during the eight-year
period (1990-98) that Aceh was formally a "military operations
region." That status, imposed when major counterinsurgency operations
against Aceh Merdeka got underway, was only lifted on August 7, 1998.
The two districts, East and North Aceh, where the recent violence has
taken place, were a particular target of those operations in which
thousands of civilians were killed or disappeared, and many more
arbitrarily arrested. Expectations that the Habibie government would
address the abuses of the past were high following the resignation of
President Soeharto in May 1998, but they have gradually been replaced
by anger over lack of any serious action.

Background to the Violence

This cycle of violence really began in Lhokseumawe on August 31, when
a crowd began throwing rocks at 659 troops being pulled out of Aceh as
part of the formal ending of the region's special military status. The
incident sparked off several days of rioting in which two youths were
killed and 300 offices and shops in Lhokseumawe and surrounding towns
were burned or seriously damaged. The army said at the time that
someone was using a megaphone to shout "Long live Aceh Merdeka"_as the
rioting took place; press reports carried stories of local people
accusing a sergeant from the subdistrict military command in Bayu as
being the "brains" behind the rioting. The army denied the accusation.

The most recent incidents of violence include the following:

On Sunday, January 3, nine people, including a young woman, were
reported killed as military operations were taking place in the
villages of Kandang, Paloh, and Pusong in Muara Dua subdistrict as
well as in the villages of Buluh Blang Ara and Simpang Kramat in Kuta
Makmur subdistrict. According to press reports in the Jakarta daily
Kompas (January 3, 1998), the military operations were aimed at
finding two soldiers taken hostage on December 30. According to the
army, their captors belonged to Aceh Merdeka. Army sources said that
one of those killed was carrying an AK-47 rifle, but who opened fire
and under what circumstances remains unclear. Six of those killed were
pronounced dead at the main hospital in the city of Lhokseumawe on
Sunday. Another victim was reportedly buried immediately by family
members, and two other bodies were brought to the hospital on Monday.
In the aftermath of the shootings, a post office, tax office, and
subdistrict administrative office in Lhokseumawe were set on fire by
angry crowds.

On December 29, seven soldiers were killed in the village of Lhok
Nibong, East Aceh by a mob that the army says was led by Aceh Merdeka.
The attack took place after a public bus carrying military personnel
returning from leave was stopped by a crowd of people in what is
locally called a "sweeping" -- a check of identity cards. Those with
military i.d.s were dragged off the bus. According to one account, a
trader from Lhokseumawe was stopped in his car by men armed with
knives and was forced to take five corpses to the Arakundoe river,
where the armed men tossed the bodies in. Three of the stabbed and
beaten bodies were recovered on December 31; a fourth was found on
January 4. A report in the Aceh daily, Serambi Indonesia (January 2,
1998) said that an eyewitness had seen another car with two badly
beaten soldiers in it, then still alive, being driven toward the Jambo
Aye dam. The two men are also believed to have been killed, although
their bodies have not been found. The army said the attack was the
work of Ahmad Kandang. Local activists said that the bodies of four of
the seven soldiers had been displayed in exactly the same way that the
military itself had displayed the bodies of four civilians it killed
in 1991, including by hanging one from a tree. Of fourteen people
taken into custody by the military in connection with the attack,
twelve were reported to have been from North Aceh, i.e. they were not
local people.

On December 20, a mob estimated at 1,000 people attacked the
subdistrict military post in Bayu, North Aceh -- the same post that
figured in the August 31-September 2 violence -- after a sergeant
there was accused of having molested a married woman on her way home
from tarawih prayers, a form of worship that takes place in the
evening during the fasting month of Ramadan. The army said that even
the woman's husband admitted she was mentally disturbed, and that the
sergeant in question had tried to take her home after she came on her
own to the subdistrict command threatening to commit suicide. When the
rumor spread that she had been molested by the sergeant, a group of
youths tried to attack the military command. The military said it
fired warning shots and called in reinforcements from Lhokseumawe. The
new troops tried to evacuate the sergeant from the command for his own
protection, according to an account in the December 21, 1998 edition
of Serambi Indonesia, but the mob surrounded the vehicle they intended
to use, so the army opened fire. Two civilians were wounded, both
apparently by rubber bullets.  A new mob arrived at the military
command about an hour later from the village of Simpang Kandang, but
were forced back by army fire. On the way back, in Alue Awe village in
the Blang Mangat subdistrict, the crowd attacked an army major and his
wife, traveling home to Aceh from Medan in their private car. Both
were seriously injured. The major's firearm was taken, and the car was
burned. Three other men in army fatigues were reportedly stopped at a
crowd-operated checkpoint in Simpang Cunda. They too were beaten up
and relieved of their weapons, and their car was also burned.

If Aceh Merdeka fighters had a hand in the torture and execution of
the soldiers in Lhok Nibong, then they have committed a major
violation of international humanitarian law. Clearly any civilians who
took part are also responsible for serious crimes and must be punished
accordingly. But the depth of local sentiment against the military
shows the urgent need for investigation and prosecution of past
abuses. Only if the military is held accountable, and is seen to be
held accountable, for those abuses, is the cycle of violence likely to

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