Lho, beritanya sama kok. Mana yang beda? Memang boleh dan bagus lah kalau
ada informasi dari pihak lain. Lumayan buat cek-recheck (tapi yg ini sama kok).
Beda ya dikit-dikit, kelihatan lah. Macam rencana bunuh Belo....., ya ETAN kan
perlu dana juga. Kalau nggak bombastis nggak ada nilai jualnya.

Cuma perlu diingat, sumber berita luar negeri macam ETAN ini juga bukan
otomatis benar. Makanya saya jadi agak bertanya-tanya dengan pernyataan
Bung Donald bahwa media di Indonesia selalu bikin buta (stevie wonder dong...).


Donald Saluling wrote:

> Ini ada berita dari East Timor Action Network. Semoga menambah sedikit
> wawasan pada teman2 yang sekarang ini cuma mengikuti cerita2 dari Kompas dan
> media2 tanah air yg bias dan kurang akurat. Mari kita teruskan berita ini
> kepada mereka2 yang belum mengetahui atau yang selama ini sudah dibutakan
> oleh media2 pemerintah tentang keadaan di Tim-Tim.
> Donald Saluling
> Yesterday (Saturday, 4/17) more than 1000 armed pro-Indonesian paramilitary
> members took control of the streets of Dili.
> Current reports confirm at least 13 dead so far and many more wounded
> although it is impossible to know the full extent of the damage and
> violence.  At this moment the paramilitaries are marauding through the
> capital, attacking civilians, shooting into buildings, and ransacking and
> burning homes. Part of Becora market and at least six houses have been
> razed.  The streets are empty save for the paramilitary groups and the
> accompanying special mobile police units. The military and police are
> refusing to halt the violence, instead providing water and cigarettes to
> the paramilitaries.
> At least 275 people (including civil servants, CNRT(National Council of
> Timorese Resistance) members, East Timorese NGO leaders, and reconciliation
> advocates) are believed to be on a death list.  Militias have threatened
> that Bishop Belo will be assassinated on Sunday (tomorrow).
> The targeting of the pro-independence leadership appears to have begun at
> the home of Manuel Carrascalao, leader of the Movement for the
> Reconciliation and Unity of the People of East Timor. Militias firing
> automatic weapons supplied by the Indonesian army attacked his home today,
> killing an undetermined number of the 140 refugees, mainly women and
> children, living in Carrascalao's back yard.  Carrascalao's son is also
> reported dead.
> Photographers were told they would be shot if they took pictures.  Foreign
> journalists have been attacked and few are reporting from the streets.
> It appears that the ABRI-supported paramilitary rampage may have only just
> begun.  There are threats that their "cleanup operation" will continue
> until at least Monday.
> Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, 202-647-5291  fax: 202-647-6434
> (alternative fax: 202-647-7120)
> Secretary of Defense Cohen: (703) 695-5261    (703) 692-7100
> Indonesian embassy in Washington DC: 202-775-5200  fax: 202-775-5365
> additional:
> Kofi Annan --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   212-963-5012
> Indonesian President BJ Habibie  --   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tell them:
> - the military and paramilitary killings in East Timor must stop and the
> paramilitaries must be disarmed and disbanded immediately
> - a continuing UN and International monitoring presence must be allowed in
> East Timor immediately
> For more information & a copy of a press release for local use contact:
> John Miller
> 718-596-7668
> or
> Kristin Sundell
> ETAN Field Organizer
> 773-878-4033 (phone)
> 781-673-2429 (pager)
> etanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetan
> John M. Miller         Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Media & Outreach Coordinator, East Timor Action Network
> PO Box 150753, Brooklyn, NY 11215-0753 USA
> Phone: (718)596-7668      Fax: (718)222-4097
> Web site: http://www.etan.org
> Send a blank e-mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to find out how to learn
> more about East Timor on the Internet
> etanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetanetan

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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