Act Immediately to Stop the Violence in East Timor

Make three phone calls today to stop the violence.  It will make a difference!

Pro-Indonesian paramilitaries have renewed their campaign of terror against
the people of East Timor following a relatively peaceful day of voting in
East Timor. Armed gangs in black t-shirts have been rampaging undeterred
through the streets of Dili and other districts of East Timor for the past
two days. Since the vote, militias have murdered East Timorese, burned
houses, blocked people from leaving East Timor, and surrounded and attacked
the UN headquarters in Dili.  Their orders come from the Indonesian military.

The people of East Timor lined up to vote en masse on Monday, August 30.
Over 98% of registered voters risked their lives in the aftermath of
extreme paramilitary violence that threatened to derail the vote.  It is
widely believed that the day of voting was largely free from intimidation
and violence because increased international government pressure,
particularly from the U.S., helped to force a change in Indonesian military
orders to the paramilitary units in East Timor. The UN is expected to
release the results of the vote within the next few days.  The
paramilitaries must not be allowed to turn East Timor into a "sea of fire,"
as paramilitary leader Eurico Gutteres threatened,  if the vote is for

The United States has tremendous influence on Indonesia.  It must do more
to pressure Indonesia to adhere to the May 5 UN agreement setting up the
vote.  We must keep the pressure on!  Call today and get others to call.

Call Secretary of State Madeleine Albright at the U.S. State Department
(tel: 202-647-5291, fax: 202-647-6434).   Tell her the U.S. should suspend
all military assistance to Indonesia immediately - until the paramilitary
groups are completely disbanded and the military begins a genuine troop
withdrawal.  Urge her to call Indonesian Defense Minister General Wiranto
directly to demand Indonesia contain, disarm, and disband the
paramilitaries now.  Encourage her to increase U.S. support for an expanded
UN mission.  Important: Leave a message specifically for Albright.   Don't
let her staff transfer you to the Indonesia Desk. They're already working
hard on East Timor.

Call your senators and representatives with the same message.  Tell them
that they should do everything in their power to ensure that all military
and financial assistance is cut off until paramilitaries are disbanded and
Indonesian troops begin a genuine withdrawal.  Tell them to contact the
Department of Defense (or the State Department) directly.  The
Congressional switchboard number is 202-234-3121. To find out who your
representative is, go to

Call the Indonesian Embassy at 202-775-5200 (fax 202-775-5365).  Tell them
to stop (contain, disarm, and disband) the paramilitary violence in East
Timor NOW and ensure a peaceful period around the announcement of the
results of the vote and a peaceful transition.

For more information, contact East Timor Action Network at 202-544-6911,


| Eric S. Piotrowski ____________________| "The  oppressed  cannot  remain |
| IFET-OP U.S. Interim Coordinator ______| oppressed forever. The urge for |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ____________________| freedom  will eventually come." |
| ________| - Dr. Martin  Luther  King, Jr. |
   Support the International Federation for East Timor's Observer Project
                   Phone: 831-728-4190  Fax: 831-761-1401

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